Helping Families Through the NICU Journey

Welcome to TBM! You Are Not Alone in This!

We are so happy that you found our website. As you begin a journey of unknowns, we hope to bring you some peace and comfort in knowing that you are not alone. We pray that this website will offer you the resources you need to prepare and equip you for the times ahead. Please reach out to us if you need anything, we are here to help!


  • Educate

    We remember what it was like to be thrown into a whole new world that we knew nothing about. Learning all the medical terms and adapting to hospital life is not easy. These videos will help to give you perspective of what to expect during your stay and after your stay. Our hope is that these videos will help prepare you, at least a little, for what is to come.

  • Support

    Support means something different to everyone. For us it means filling in the gaps in the middle of the chaos. This could come in the form of assisting with meals during your stay, gas cards for people who live at a distance, financial help so it’s one less thing to stress about, a listening ear, and/or the power of prayer. Please reach out to us and let us know, we would love to help!

Educational Videos

We had so many questions throughout our stay. During such an emotional journey it can be difficult to process everything. The information is coming at you so rapidly that your head is spinning and you may not even know what questions to ask. These videos are aimed at answering some of the questions you have along with providing some perspective that may help calm your nerves.


One of the quickest ways to build your faith is to hear stories from other people that have already persevered through a similar battle that you are currently fighting. We pray that their stories will give you hope and encourage you that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


While sitting in the NICU holding your baby, you may find yourself with your thoughts racing, and looking for things to take your mind off the current situation. We found that when we started listening to worship music it would quiet the racing thoughts and bring peace into the room. We created playlists that really spoke to our hearts and stirred up our faith. We have listed a handful of songs here that were powerful for us. We pray that these songs, in addition to any that you are already familiar with, will refresh your spirit.


When walking through the trials of life it can be easy to feel like God is far away. We found that daily prayer and reading devotionals on topics that spoke to us about the trials helped to draw us closer to God. Our prayer is that these devotionals specifically written with the trails of life in mind, will bring you comfort and a growing relationship with God.

Contact Us

Please reach out to us, let us know how we can help. Every situation is unique and we want to hear about what is going on in your life. Fill out the form below or send us an email.