Educational Videos
These videos are based off of our personal experience and time in the NICU. None of this is medical advice and every decision you make should be sought after in prayer and consulted on with your physician. While no situation is exactly the same we know there are a lot of similarities in experiences, questions, and concerns. We have done our best to address the major aspects of the NICU journey, along with our personal thoughts and feelings, through these videos.
A Message for Dad
“Be strong, be the rock, be tough, don’t show weakness”. These are all the things I told myself during our journey. No matter how good things got, or how bad things got, I just tried to stay cool, calm, and collected. But inside I was hurting and questioning everything. We are taught as men to provide and protect for our families while leaving out the most important “P” which is to pray. Even when it seems like prayers aren’t being heard, continue to press in. The answers will come, although sometimes it’s months or years down the road.
A Message for Mom
Welcome to the NICU mama club, even though you may not want to be a part of the club, here you are. And I know how hard it is. This message is intended to encourage you, validate your feelings, and maybe give you “permission” to get rid of the mom guilt. However, this is based on my experience and my personal beliefs and I acknowledge that it is only my perspective. At the end of the day, you need to decide what works best for YOU and your family.
Antepartum can be an isolating and lonely place. If you find yourself here, you’re most likely praying every day for your baby to stay on the inside as along as possible. It can be easy to let your mind wander into fear and doubt. Stay strong mama and keep praying. Every day here is another day your baby gets to develop safely in your womb. I hope this message uplifts you in the antepartum journey.
What To Expect During Your Stay
With emotions all over the place as you start your journey, you aren’t sure what to ask or what to do. This video gives you some practical steps that we used during our stay to help us get through. We cover what to expect in the beginning, the middle, and the preparation to go home.
Going Home
This is the moment you have been waiting for! The day that you thought may never come! How exciting! But then doubt starts to creep in and you wonder if you really are ready for this? What if something happens? It’s a shock to a lot of families that they aren’t bringing home a “normal” baby. This video is aimed at helping you prepare for life after the NICU. Dealing with your own emotional and mental health continues to be important in this timeframe as you may find yourself finally processing through what just happened when the noise of the NICU disappears.