Thank you very much for your support of Tiny But Mighty! After experiencing our journey we want to be able to bless people in whatever way possible. For some that might mean some gift cards to restaurants, gas cards to be able to get to the hospital or maybe even help with other financial needs as they focus on what is important.
Meals for Family
One of the last things families typically think about during this time is food. While we would love to be able to provide home cook meals, that would be tough to arrange. What we can do is provide gift cards to help take away some of the burden of figuring out meals.
Financial Assistance
With an unexpected stay that could last weeks or months, what comes along with that can be unexpected expenses. While we can’t promise taking care of every situation we would love to hear from you on what your need is and how we can potentially help.
Transportation Needs
Transportation cost are climbing almost every single day. What we don’t want to happen is for families to not be able to see their newborn because of the expenses associated with travel. Let us know what your need and how we can help to make sure you are present.